I found in Ms. Sobasová the exact support that I needed.
I found in Ms. Sobasová the exact support that I needed. The therapy is a combination of talking and analysing behaviours and reasons, and breathing and grounding techniques that always help calm my racing thoughts. I feel understood and not judged, and always leave the session with a feeling of acceptance and balance. Thanks to Ms. Sobasová I can say that I own now some tools to work with when the going gets tough. It’s a journey…
Vladka mi neuvěřitelně pomáhá, tím že mě vedle k přístupu k mým emocím a informacím, které poskytuje moje tělo. Daří se mi s ní dosáhnout změn, které se mi nedařily žádnou jinou terapií. Vladi má silnou schopnost zůstat přítomná, naladěná na klienta a pozorná vůči mým potřebám, což mi umožňuje cítit se během našich sezení v bezpečí a podpoře. Její vřelost, soucit, něha a přístupnost vytvářejí výživné prostředí, kde mohu objevovat a růst. Jsem vděčná za její dovednost, která mi pomáhá zůstat ‚mimo hlavu‘ a spojit se s mou vnitřní moudrostí. Každému kdo chce žít naplno a spokojeně Vladky služby moc doporučuji.
I love my CI sessions with Vladena. I feel held and seen in your sessions and you always give me so much room and time to be with what I don’t dare to face in my hectic daily life and thus tend brush over so conveniently. Thank you for helping me break that cycle and for having been and continuing to be a big part of my healing journey.
Vladena was fantastic at holding space for me when we worked together. She was very empathetic and very understanding towards me. The safety I felt in her presents was very noticeable to me. Her creative ways of looking at issues I was having was second to none. I would highly recommend Vladena to anyone who is looking for a safe and understanding place to work through what ever it is they are going through.